API Reference

Reference for the pySAB API


Class representing a SAB dataset


__init__(matlab_dataset_dirpath, subject_id) Initialize self.
downsample(decimate_order) Downsample the data along the time axis.
plot_erp(channel_desc[, plot_ci, plot_hits, …]) Plot the evoked response averaged over trials
plot_electrode_erps(elec_desc[, plot_ci, …]) Plot on the same figure the ERPs for each channel of the selected electrode
plot_itpc(channel_desc[, trial_pos, …]) Plot the ITPC, Inter-Trial Phase Coherence
create_features([chan_sel, electrode_sel, …]) Create a TimeFeatures instance from the current dataset
save([dir_path, filename]) Save the SabDataset instance to a pickle file using the pickle module.
save_sig_to_file(chanpos[, trialpos, output_dir]) Save the signal to a file


Class for the visualization of features across time from the raw amplitude data. Interface between the other classes


Extract feature, order them, access to data :

extract_feature([feature_type]) Compute features from the original data data_ori and add them to the feature array data
get_data(**kwargs) Select the data corresponding to selected feature and/or labels and/or time points.
sort_features([sorting_variable]) Sort the features according to sorting_variable
sort_trials([sorting_variable, direction]) Sort the data trial order given the sorting variable.
feature_name2pos(feature_sel_names) Return the feature names from the feature positions
feature_pos2name(feature_pos) Return the feature position from the feature names
get_feature_pos([feature_pos, feature_type, …]) Get the feature position from feature type or/and feature channel name
get_label_key_from_value(dict_value) Return the label key from the value of the dictionnary attribute label_dict
sample2time(sample) Return the time in seconds from the sample index
time2sample(t_sec) Return the sample index from the time in seconds

Correlation analysis, feature importance, clustering

compute_feature_importance(label_keys[, …]) Compute feature importance using forest of decitions trees.
compute_correlation_hits_reaction_times([…]) Compute and plot the correlation (Pearson or Spearman) between selected features and reaction times (if defined).
compute_correlation_feature_target(**kwargs) Compute and plot the correlation between the selected features for 2 specified conditions.
interactive_feature_rt_correlation([…]) Interactive plot of the correlation between feature and reaction times (for hits trials)
cluster_data(cluster_algo[, do_plot, ax, cb_ax]) Cluster the data selected by **kwargs - see timefeatures.get_data() - Return the cross-tabulation of the predicted versus true labels


plot_feature_erp([plot_traces, ax]) Plot the feature evolution across time.
plot_feature_erpimage([ax, cax]) Plot the erp-image of the selected features
plot_feature_distribution([ax]) Plot the distribution of features at a certain time point for selected labels.

Clustering internal functions



Interactive visualization of features

sab_tkinterwindow.TimeFeatureWindow : Tkinter GUI for visualizing features evolution and analysis

Feature extraction

Class for computing features from the raw amplitude


__init__(data_ori, srate, n_chan, n_pnts, …) Initialize self.
stft_on_data([win_name, win_dur, overlap, …])
dwt_on_data(wav_name[, scale_type, …]) Apply the Discrete Wavelet Transform on the data
cwt_on_data([wav_name, pfreqs, scale_type, …]) Apply the Continous Wavelet Transform to the data data_ori, return both power and phase average over the frequency bands.
filter_hilbert_on_data(center_freq, bandwidth) Estimate the phase of the data data_ori using band-pass filtering and the Hilbert transform.
bandpower_on_data([filt_type, filt_order, …])


stft_1d(x, srate, freq_bands[, win_name, …]) Compute the short-time Fourier transform
dwt_1d(x, srate, wav_name[, do_plot, …]) Discrete wavelet transform for input 1D array.
cwt_1d(x, srate, freq_bands[, freqs, …]) Compute the Continuous Wavelet Transform for a 1 dimension input array x
bandpower_1d(x, srate, freq_bands[, …]) Compute the power of input signal x in the different frequency bands defined by freq_bands.
tf_scaling(tf_power_mat, base_ind_start, …) Scale / Normalize the time-frequency map given the baseline time.
compute_band_mean(data, freqs, freq_bands[, …]) Compute the mean of data over the frequency bands defined by freq_bands.

Decoding / MVPA

Class for running decoding/MVPA/Classification analyses from the time features




decode_time_step(X_i, y, y_dict, clf, scaler) Run a classification of data X_i with labels y using a Stratified K-Folds cross-validation where n_splits is the number of folds.
temporal_generalization_step(X, i_time, y, …) Temporal generalization step.

Phase Utils functions

Various functions for extracting and analyzing the phase of iEEG signals


itpc(x_trials, fs, filt_cf, filt_bw[, …]) Compute and plot the Inter-Trial Phase Clustering
compute_robust_estimation(x_raw, fs, fmin, …) Compute the robust estimation of the phase using the method described in [R4316a3c55ff1-1].
compute_analytical_signal(x_filtered, fs[, …]) Compute the analytical signal of the band-pass filter x_filtered and return the analytical amplitude, phase (wrap and unwrap) and frequency.
bp_filter_1d(x, fs, ftype, wn[, order, …]) Band Pass Filtering for 1D input data
plot_analytical_signal(x, fs) Compute the analytical signal from the signal x and plot the instantaneous enveloppe, phase and frequency